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MSB Arts

Culinary Arts

The foundational skills necessary in the foodservice industry are included in Culinary Arts I. Content such as food safety and sanitation; equipment, safety, and security; culinary foundations and math; and an introduction to the hospitality industry are included in the course. This course also emphasizes the real-world, hands-on practice of food preparation. Food preparation techniques included in this course include breakfast foods, dairy, and sandwiches; fruits, vegetables, salads, and garnishes; and potatoes and grains. Mastery of the competencies listed in this unit will prepare the student to take the NRA’s ServSafe exam to become ServSafe Food Safety certified.


LaShante Cox AKA standing with arms folded          LaShante Cox AKA standing outside her classroom



Fine Arts

Students at the Mississippi School for the Blind know that artistic ability means much more than sight. Through our new art program, students are creating projects, drawings, learning about the world of art, and beautiful painted masterpieces.  Students are highly engaged in band, chorus, piano and drama activities, and activities to enhance their artistic ability.  Through our vibrant and thriving fine arts program, students’ educational experiences are enriched as they follow the path to becoming well-rounded MSB graduates.

Law and Public Safety

This course focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. Students will leave the class with a firm foundation of knowledge in these areas. Additionally, students will learn the importance of personal health and safety in the work environments associated with law and public safety. Students will also be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities. Additionally, students will focus on corrections in the state of Mississippi, studying specifically how jails and prisons function.


The MSB Music Department provides opportunities for students to showcase their musical talents through performance and to develop social and recreational skills that remain with them for a lifetime.  MSB employs highly qualified staff who teach students using the state music curriculum in the following areas:

  • Elementary Music (PreK-5th grade)
  • Band (Middle and High School)
  • Drumline (Middle and High School)
  • Choir (Elementary, Middle, and High School)
  • Applied Piano (K-12th grade)
  • Music Technology
  • General Music
  • Annual programs are held both on and off campus with frequent invitations to share with the community. We also enjoy participating in a Narrative Arts Showcase affiliated with the South-Central Association of Schools for the Blind (SCASB) competition. 

Specialized adaptive or compensatory techniques are utilized in instructing students in music courses at MSB including the use of music braille, modified standard music notation, aural training, and other methods catered to individual student needs. With applied effort, students can leave MSB prepared to participate in college-level ensembles, employment opportunities in the music industry, and lifelong learning through the art of music.

a group of students in a room

Band students with drums

Performing Arts

MSB students compete with other students from schools for the blind in narrative arts showcases each year displaying their artistic abilities.  The bi-annual Performing Arts Showcases are held in January and April of each year as part of the South Central Association of Schools for the Blind (SCASB) championship competitions. Various ensembles and individuals get invited frequently to share their talents. The artistic showcase features choirs, soloists, drum lines, bands, dance and drama groups.